Since 2013, The POGIL Project has made intentional use of strategic plans to guide its work. The plans have focused the community’s time and energy and financial resources to serve The Project’s mission. The current strategic plan (SP2) is The Project's second effort and was implemented in 2018. It is now time for the third iteration (SP3) to take us through the next five years. At this year’s PNM, we will both be investing time in working groups supporting the current plan (SP2) AND spending time together as a community to consider our future and to finalize and operationaize ideas for SP3. This does not mean that we are abandoning the current plan or the excellent work that is moving it forward. This is an opportunity to step back, reflect, and take a strategic look at what needs to be modified as The Project moves into the future. The POGIL Steering Committee and a small team are responsible for moving this work forward at this year's PNM.