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About The POGIL Project

The POGIL Project is a professional development organization that aims to improve teaching and learning by fostering an inclusive, transformative community of reflective educators.

The POGIL Project is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that brings together like-minded educators who wish to effect change within education. It works to disseminate its unique pedagogy, POGIL, at the secondary and college levels through professional development workshops as well as the production of curricular materials.

Mission Statement

The mission of The POGIL Project is to improve teaching and learning by fostering an inclusive, transformative community of reflective educators who design, implement, assess, and study learner-centered environments.

Mission, Vision, and Values Statement

Guiding Principles Statement

The POGIL Project's Long-Term Goals

The POGIL Project's Strategic Plan lays out several long-term goals for The Project.  These goals are intended to help guide the activities of The Project as it continues to grow and impact education in both the United States and across the globe.

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The POGIL Project's Strategic Plan

In 2013, The POGIL Project's Board of Directors approved a 5-year Strategic Plan designed to guide the activities of The Project. The plan set priorities for Project leadership, staff, members of the POGIL community, and those who are or will become interested in the work of The Project.  In 2018, with the input of the greater POGIL community, the Steering Committee oversaw a review and refresh of that initial plan and fine-tuned the plan's goals to carry The Project through the next five years. The Project recently approved its third strategic plan that will be implemented at the POGIL National Meeting in 2024.

Strategic Plan 3

The POGIL Community

SPUR+ Grant Program

POGIL SPUR+ is designed to promote new ideas and spur collaboration amongst POGIL community members. Proposals must also further the goals of The POGIL Project as described in its current strategic plan. In 2024, SPUR+ hopes to award two small seed grants of up to $2500 each. Click here to see previous SPUR+ awardees.

Important Dates for POGIL SPUR+ 

There will be one "round" of awards each year.

  • Deadline for proposals: 5:00 p.m. E.T. on September 15, 2024.
  • Proposals accepted: July 1, 2024, through September 15, 2024.
  • Award decisions: November 15, 2024.
  • Projects must start between January 1, 2025 and July 1, 2025.


This 2017 SPUR+ grant was awarded to the SPIRAL team led by Ashley Mahoney (Bethel University) and Rob Whitnell (Guilford College). The team members met  in both St. Louis, MO and Greensboro, NC, to work on their  project to create a collection of POGIL lab materials. 

The PEACH Award
In 2015, The POGIL Project Steering Committee and Board of Directors established the POGIL Early Achievement Award (PEACH) in order to recognize significant and enthusiastic contributions of new practitioners to The POGIL Project. The award will be bestowed at the biennial National Conference to Advance POGIL Practice to up to three practitioners including one post-secondary recipient and one secondary recipient. Recipients are invited to attend the NCAPP and are asked to give a short talk on their work.  The award, which comes with a $500 prize to be used for professional development, supports and encourages capacity building for POGIL Project leadership.
The IMPACT Award
In 2021, The POGIL Project Steering Committee established the POGIL Impact Award to be bestowed on up to three individuals or teams of individuals at in-person POGIL National Meetings who have achieved extraordinary outcomes related to The POGIL Project’s strategic plan. The award celebrates sustained impact and/or innovation achieved by a member or members of the POGIL community, and highlights a strong footprint in both The Project and the POGIL community.