Please note that POGIL® is a name and brand that is owned by and federally registered to The POGIL Project. In order for The POGIL Project to maintain its rights in its POGIL® mark, the law obligates The POGIL Project to prevent others from using the same or similar marks in a manner that might lead to consumer confusion. The POGIL Project is concerned that consumers, if seeing the use of “POGIL” on and in connection with non-authorized materials/courses, will assume this product is or is related to The POGIL Project’s POGIL® materials and courses.
In addition, The Project regularly submits takedown notices for non-authorized use of its name and brand and this may result in the disabling of your accounts on sites such as YouTube if you do not comply in a timely manner. Some examples of non-authorized use include posting of answer keys to POGIL activities, videos of POGIL activities/answers, posting of activities bearing the name "POGIL" that have not been through the official POGIL endorsement process, etc. If you want to determine whether or not you can post something that bears the POGIL name, please contact Marcy Dubroff at [email protected]. If your content is taken down or your channel/site is disabled by the site administrators at any of the hosts (YouTube, CourseHero, etc.), The POGIL Project will not be responsible for getting your site reinstated
The POGIL Project is always willing to open a dialogue about training and allowing a non-exclusive license to use the POGIL® mark on approved materials/courses. However, absent a license or other express authorization, we require the discontinuation of any and all use of “POGIL” for non-authorized materials/courses.