PNM 2022

Gallery Walk Instructions

Each working group will create 2 slides in their Google slide deck in preparation for the gallery walk.  They will select a representative for their presentation. 
Tuesday, June 7, 9:45 AM-11:30 AM
  • In DUC 276, each team will have 90 seconds to summarize their work at PNM and their proposals for the coming year.  Facilitators will handle the slides and manage the timing.  No questions at this time, but participants are welcome to start making comments on the shared docs.  
  • Gallery Walk (~40 min):  Everyone will head down to DUC 233/234.  Snacks will be set up in the alcove outside the rooms.  Each team will be assigned a table where there will be a table tent with the team name, a QR code to their slides, and a QR code to the parking lot feedback forms.  At each table there will be a device that shows one of their slides.  
  • Participants can move from table to table, room to room, while they can snack, ask questions and record feedback.  Each team will have a representative at their table, but team members should take turns at their table during the gallery walk time so that everyone gets a chance to talk with the other teams.  DUC 239 will be available as a quiet space. 
  • Everyone will have access to the slide deck and the parking lot feeback forms through the website as well.  
  • Teams Reassemble (30 min):  Teams will then meet to assess the feedback, make changes, amend their plans, etc. 
  • In DUC 276, every working group will make a report after lunch (up to 60 sec). 
  • Could just be thanks for the great feedback or include their reflections or changes based on the feedback.