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Open NetworkingTopics

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Open Networking

Sunday, 4-5:30 PM

Group Name/Facilitator(s)
Awareness of Microaggressions and Tools to Support Underrepresented Groups in Science (Grimes and Lovitt)
Environmental Science Activity Development (Fish)
Introduction to eSeries 2020-2021 (Pearson)
Lessons for the United States from teaching POGIL in developing nations (Lehman)
Doing POGIL Labs Remotely (Garoutte)


Supporting POGIL teams in Synchronous and Asynchronous Online Environments  (Gravelle, Hoffman, Roque)
Using POGIL in Communications and English/Language Arts (Kitts and Hoffman)


Talk with POGIL Plenary Speaker Dr. Sandra Laursen about Levers for Change (Laursen)
In this session attendees will reflect on microaggressions that occur in a POGIL classroom and identify strategies to address and reduce the impact these microaggressions.
Discussion of the development and review of a collection of activities for college, non-science majors, environmental science courses.
Join us for a preview of the schedule of topics and open discussion about the upcoming eSeries.
POGIL workshops and materials must be more effective in all settings.  For example urban and rural schools with limited resources, the range of English fluency, use of non traditional teaching methods and the barriers these pose.
Sharing ideas about how to move existing POGIL experiments online or develop new remote POGIL laboratory experiences. Video link https://youtu.be/awxq8gYDBBA
How can synchronous and asynchronous online learning environments support the core POGIL approach of students working in self-managed teams to practice process goals and learn content?
In this session, we will brainstorm learning objectives and appropriate models for POGIL activities in Communications and English/Language Arts.
Spend some more time with our plenary speaker Sandra Laursen discussing her topic "Levers for Change" and how it applies to POGIL.
Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 965 4175 5796
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86771379386?pwd=NEp2RlFxeVR1VWx5eVlCRGR0Uy9nQT09     (only goes from 4-4:45 PM)


Meeting ID: 876 6854 1197
Meeting ID: 284 992 5504
Password: Torah



Meeting ID: 941 2779 6429  Password: 998536


Meeting ID: 896 7732 8187 
Password: 215435



Meeting ID: 862 7024 3377  
Password: YellowM&M


https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2269605191 Meeting ID: 226 960 5191