A series of sessions on best practices related to activity writing, one-on-one coaching with experienced authors, and guidance on submitting activities to the POGIL Activity Clearinghouse (PAC). These sessions are limited to those who have completed Collaborative Feedback Training through the PAC.
Description: This workshop is designed to help the participants understand unconscious bias and its consequences. We will identify how privilege and intersectionality manifest in the classroom and develop tools to recognize incidents of bias and privilege in an active learning environment. Participants will collect and devise strategies to create a more implicitly inclusive classroom environment.
Description: In this 90 minute workshop we’ll learn how to incorporate civic issues of local importance/relevance into your classroom activities. From plastic waste, to water contamination and gerrymandering, we’ll discuss how courses can be backward designed from topics that directly impact and involve your students thus enhancing their engagement with the STEM content. Attendees will learn about the Science Education for New Civic Engagements and Responsibilities (SENCER) Project and discover resources that will elevate and support student learning while embracing the SENCER Ideals.
While there are characteristics of a POGIL classroom that are common, instructors have several choices when it comes to the facilitation of activities. In this session, participants will explore a wide variety of roles, report-out strategies, introductory activities, assessment rubrics, and pacing techniques.