Analytical Chemistry: A Guided Inquiry Quantitative Analysis Collection Lantz, J. and R. Cole. Lancaster, PA: The POGIL Project; Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt, 2021. Print ISBN: 978-1-792-49073-6 EBook ISBN: 9781792496943 432 pages Print: $40 EBook $32 About the Book The Quantitative...
The nine-member POGIL Project Steering Committee provides definition and direction to the goals of The Project. The three educators are: Caryl Fish, Ph.D., St. Vincent College; Ashley Mahoney, Ph.D., Bethel University; and Kristin Plessel, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Rock County. They...
The Annual POGIL Project's Community Report Tracking the Years of POGIL Impact and Innovation Join us as we celebrate the launch of our third 5-year strategic plan! This year's community report is look ahead as we lay the foundation for the work of The POGIL Project that will guide us for the...
PNM 2021 Recordings from this year's POGIL National Meeting • Grid Agenda (pdf) • Open Networking Topics • Participant Roster (pdf) • PEACH Awards • Plenary Talk (Bryan Dewsbury) • Poster Abstracts • Tech Tips • Virtual Lounge (Webex link) • • Working Groups • ...
Sean has taught using guided inquiry since 2012. He is the co-author of POGIL materials for physical chemistry. Sean also runs a research lab in ultrafast spectroscopy with a focus on structure and dynamics in ionic liquids and carbon capture materials. Sean received an A.B. in chemistry from...
Dr. Heather Wilson-Ashworth is a biology professor at Utah Valley University. She earned her bachelor’s in math education with a minor in biology, and a Ph.D. in human physiology/cell biology at Brigham Young University. Her research interests include better understanding the issues influencing UVU...
Chair, 2023 NCAPP Dr. Joyce Easter is Dean of the Batten Honors College of Virginia Wesleyan University and Professor of Chemistry. She received her B.S. in Biology from Cornell University and her Ph.D. in Biochemistry from Duke University. After five years at Eastern Illinois University, she...
Christopher F. Bauer is a Professor of Chemistry at the University of New Hampshire. His research addresses student misconceptions, attitudes about learning and courses, discovery-based chemistry curricula, and faculty beliefs and practice. He has presented many workshops on teaching and learning...
Biochemistry: A Guided Inquiry Murray, T.A. Lancaster, PA: The POGIL Project; Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt, 2021. ISBN TBA 279 pages Print: $35 EBook $28 About the Book Biochemistry: A Guided Inquiry uses the philosophy of Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) to teach...
Biochemistry: A Guided Inquiry Murray, T.A. Lancaster, PA: The POGIL Project; Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt, 2021. Print ISBN 978-1-7924-9581-6 EBook ISBN: 9781792495830 279 pages Print: $35 EBook $28 About the Book Biochemistry: A Guided Inquiry uses the philosophy of Process...