College Algebra: A Guided Inquiry
Print ISBN: 9798765742990    EBook ISBN: 9798765749425
pages 448  Print: $40  EBook $32
About the Book
These guided activities were written because much research has shown that more learning takes place when the student is actively engaged and when ideas and concepts are developed by the student, rather than being presented by an authority - a textbook or an instructor. The activities presented are structured so that information is presented to the reader in some form (and equation, table, graph, figure, written prose, etc.) followed by a series of Construct-Your-Understanding Questions that lead the student to the development of a particular concept or idea. Learning follows the scientific process as much as possible throughout. Students are often asked to construct a concept based on the model that has been developed up to that point, and then further data or information is provided to help refine the concept. In this way, students simultaneously learn course content and key process skills that constitute mathematical and scientific thought and exploration. 

About the Authors
Kayla Heffernan is an Assistant Professor of Applied Mathematics at the University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg. She has a B.S. degree in Secondary Mathematics Education and a M.S. degree in Applied Mathematics. Her Ph.D., from Temple University, is in Mathematics and Science Education. Her current research is in mathematics education, particularly pertaining to teaching using inquiry and the mathematics identity of undergraduates and preservice teachers.
Victoria Causer is an Assistant Professor of Statistics at the University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg. She has earned bachelor's degrees in Mathematics, Biological sciences, and Chemistry and a M.S. in Biostatistics. Her EdD, in STEM Instruction and Learning, is from the University of Pittsburgh School of Education. Her research interests include applied statistical analysis as well as the examination of student-centered instructional methods on student attitudes, engagement, and achievement in higher education mathematics classrooms. 

Sample Activity

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