
Action-oriented Practicum for Facilitating Effective Communication in Active-Learning Classrooms


Day 1  •  Monday, February 19, 2024  •  1-5 PM Eastern

1.  Build Communication skills that support listening and self-expression through the use of the Microlab Protocol and Discussion Stems
2.  Reflect on teaching practice as it relates to facilitating effective communication in the classroom.
3.  Create a plan for implementing one of these strategies

During Day 1, participants will learn more about SEL and its impact on effective active learning and communication skills. Brandi Lust will present CASEL SEL components to provide a framework for our practicum, specifically focusing on communication. Brandi will discuss two particular strategies for facilitating productive conversations in classrooms — Microlabs and Discussion stems. Participants will then plan a classroom activity they will implement in the next two weeks using one of these strategies.

Day 2  •  Monday, March 4, 2024  •  7:30-9:30 PM Eastern

1. Use the Microlab protocol and Discussion Stems to reflect on classroom facilitation
2. Receive feedback and revise classroom implementation plan

During Day 2, Brandi Lust will facilitate small group share outs/reflections from participants' implementation in their classroom. Later in the session, educators will participate in action planning for either Microlabs or Discussion stems, get feedback from thought partners, and  revise their existing lesson plan or classroom action under the direction of POGIL facilitators.

Day 3  •  Monday, March 18, 2024  •  7:30-9:30 PM Eastern 

1. Reflect on classroom implementation - Equitable sharing protocol
2. Identify and discuss changes to personal teaching practice and the impact that improved listening skills have on teaching and learning.

During Day 3, POGIL facilitators will introduce participants to the +/Delta protocol. Participants will break into small groups and use the protocol to reflect on their classroom experiences. The practicum will conclude with a set of final reflections on teacher learnings, moving from small groups to a larger share-out with all participants.