Zoom: xxx
Chair: Chris Bauer
Roster: Susan Hammond, Kayla Heffernan, Sally Hunnicutt, Robin Lasey, Courtney Macdonald, Tracey Murray, Chris Oehrlein, Shawn Simonson, Craig Teague (SC Liaison), Gail Webster
Charge: The team’s charge is twofold: 1) to define and implement an analysis that uses current workshop data (such as attendance) and determines rates of additional attendance at POGIL sessions and/or adoptions and 2) to identify impacts the workshops have beyond adoption and implementation, including the design of a data collection strategy to count and/or quantify these impacts. The long-term outcomes for both charges is an established process for the collection and review of data about the impact of The Project’s professional development events.  By the end of 2024 PNM, there should be a plan for how to accomplish the short-term outcomes as articulated in the action plan.  SP3: Goal 2D
Click here to access all Gallery Walk Google slides
Click here to access all the Strategic Team feedback forms
Click here to access the Action Plan for your team
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Evaluating the Impact of POGIL Professional Development (2024)
Dates/times of the meetings (Central)
Sunday, June 23, 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Monday, June 24, 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Tuesday, June 25, 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM and 10:45 AM - 11:30 AM
Zoom Meeting Link: xxxx