Meeting ID: 939 3858 3139
Passcode: 684196


Chair: Charity Lovitt, Kimberly Stieglitz
Steering Committee Liaison: An Le
Roster: Steve Gravelle, Tim Herzog, Siobhan Julian, Matt Tarka
Charge: This group is charged with developing tools to promote virtual and in-person connections between POGIL practitioners.
During PNM
  • Critically evaluate the Facebook group and perform a SWOT analysis, and create an action plan.
  • Assign responsibilities and schedule to push content and information to the Facebook group related to the four affinity areas that were identified at the 2020 PNM.
  • Establish connections with affiliated working groups
  • Develop a survey to identify the POGIL community’s needs and where the Networks group can help address them
  • Develop action plan to connect with practitioners who identify as members or work with under-represented groups.
Click here to access all Gallery Walk Google slides


Dates/times of the meetings
Saturday, June 5, 2-3:30 PM
Sunday, June 6, 2-3:30 PM
Monday, June 7, 2-3:30 PM
Tuesday, June 8, 11 AM-12 PM; 2:30-3:30 PM
Meeting Link:
Meeting ID: 939 3858 3139
Passcode: 684196