Chairs: Patrick Brown (Team 1) & Stanley Lo (Team 2)
Roster: Uma Banerjee, Sheila Barbach, Patrick Brown, Dan Libby (SC liaison), Courtney Macdonald, Chris Oehrlein, Shawn Simonson
Charge: This group is charged with creating a plan to evaluate the success of POGIL professional development events, including the impact of these events on adoption and continued implementation of POGIL. This group will subdivide into two teams: Team 1 will examine the data that The Project is currently collecting and answer the questions of what additional data should The Project be collecting, how that data should be collected, and what questions should The Project be able to answer by collecting that data?  Team 2 will provide information about what The POGIL Project knows in terms of the impact of professional development from the data that currently exists and then answer the question of what can currently be said about the impact of The Project’s professional development?
Click here to access all Gallery Walk Google slides
Click here to access all the Working Group feedback forms
Click here for the PNM home page
Evaluating the Impact of POGIL Professional Development (2023)
Dates/times of the meetings (Central)
Saturday, June 2, 6-7 PM (dinner)
Sunday, June 3, 10 AM - 11:30 AM
Monday, June 4, 10 AM - 11:30 AM
Tuesday, June 5, 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM
Meeting Link