Chair: Tim Herzog, Rodney Austin, Joyce Easter, Beff Mancini (SC liaison), Marty Perry (SC liaison), Suzanne Ruder
Charge: This group’s charge is to create and identify new opportunities/professional development experiences for advanced practitioners focused on developing leadership skills and deepening facilitation skills. This group will design a plan for a POGIL Leadership Academy that includes specifics such as: target audience, potential facilitators, curriculum, learning objectives, financial details (projected expenses/revenues). It will also make a recommendation about how The Project should proceed with the next iteration of the Facilitator Training Workshop.
Click here to access all Gallery Walk Google slides
Click here to access all the Working Group feedback forms
Click here for the PNM home page
Advanced Practitioner Experience (2023)
Dates/times of the meetings (Central)
Saturday, June 2, 6-7 PM (dinner)
Sunday, June 3, 10 AM - 11:30 AM
Monday, June 4, 10 AM - 11:30 AM
Tuesday, June 5, 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM
Meeting Link https://weber.zoom.us/j/96802190560