Zoom:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2849925504?pwd=UTlld2w2TGVQTllKRXY3b0hLazBVdz09

Meeting ID: 284 992 5504
Passcode: Torah
Chair: Caroline Lehman
Roster: Megan Daschbach, Caryl Fish (PAC liaison), Mario Nakazawa, Laura Parmentier (SC liaison), Mare Sullivan
Charge: This group’s ongoing charge is to create Project-wide best practices for keeping diversity/equity/inclusion/belonging at the forefront of everything The Project produces. This group will present its recently developed DEIB framework during a session at the PNM and make adjustments to that framework based on participant feedback. Additionally, this group will draft a rubric (or rubrics) for best practices and guidelines in DEIB, then apply to a selection of POGIL activities/collections and report the results to The Steering Committee. The group will also coordinate with its PAC liaison to ensure that the rubrics used by PAC are internally consistent with the rubrics developed by this working group.
Click here to access all Gallery Walk Google slides
Click here to access all the Working Group feedback forms
Click here for the PNM home page
Addressing Equity: Guidelines for Embracing Equity (2023)
Dates/times of the meetings (Central)
Saturday, June 2, 6-7 PM (dinner)
Sunday, June 3, 10 AM - 11:30 AM
Monday, June 4, 10 AM - 11:30 AM
Tuesday, June 5, 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM
Meeting Link  

Meeting ID: 284 992 5504
Passcode: Torah