Zoom:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2849925504?pwd=UTlld2w2TGVQTllKRXY3b0hLazBVdz09
Chair: Caroline Lehman
Steering Committee Liaison: Joe Brown
Roster: Kelly Butler, Stephanie Erickson, Mario Nakazawa, Laura Parmentier, Shawn Simonson
Charge: Bearing in mind the (much needed) sharp focus on race in America, acknowledging that POGIL activities in and of themselves are structured to be inclusive, we recognize that as POGIL practitioners and as teachers we must become even more sensitive to DEI issues. We must actively take steps for ourselves and in our teaching spaces without becoming overwhelmed!! Critical for (most of) us to recognize our whiteness and our priviledge and how that translates to our actions and the materials we use in our school, university and college communities.
  • POGIL Book club to discuss DEI issues: Following on from the successful book club meetings last fall, (How to be an anti Racist By Ibrahim Kendi), develop a program for this year. Next book:  "Culturally Responsive Reading and the Brain" by Zaretta Hammond.  Curate a short "doable" list of POGIL-appropriate resources for this year. 
  • Infusing DEI into POGIL activities: Using the Broadening Representation Guidelines to create a series of rubrics for classroom teachers, to help them focus on incremental steps. "Chunking" the guidelines as it were, to enable a more significant adoption.  
  • DEI and the website: Look at the POGIL website as a whole through the lens of DEI and make recommendations for improvement.
  • Making workshops more accessible: Based on discussions this year with Clif Kussmaul, we plan to re-develop some POGIL workshop materials and activities into mini-workshops, each one focused on one or two explicit skills. The POGIL activity used would be DEI compliant and language leveled for ESL students. Given the current landscape for schools, colleges, profs, lecturers and teachers, both in US and abroad this will hopefully provide accessible alternatives. 
Click here to access all Gallery Walk Google slides


AE: Guidelines for Embracing Equity
Dates/times of the meetings
Saturday, June 5, 2-3:30 PM
Sunday, June 6, 2-3:30 PM
Monday, June 7, 2-3:30 PM
Tuesday, June 8, 11 AM-12 PM; 2:30-3:30 PM
Meeting Link  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2849925504?pwd=UTlld2w2TGVQTllKRXY3b0hLazBVdz09