POGIL in Introductory Computer Science: Prior Experience, Teamwork, Sense of Belonging, and Learning Outcomes
Presenter: Clif Kussmaul
Research Summary:
Our results show that students in POGIL sections outperformed students in other sections, scored higher on the post-test, and had higher and more consistent scores on the retention quiz. We also used path analysis to quantify the relationship among teamwork perceptions, sense of belonging, and learning outcomes. Sense of belonging increased for students in the POGIL sections and decreased for students in the other sections. The perception of teamwork positively influenced sense of belonging for students in POGIL sections, and sense of belonging had a positive effect on learning outcomes for all students.
Clif Kussmaul, Green Mango Associates, PA; Chris Mayfield, James Madison University, VA; Sukanya Moudgalya, Michigan State University, MI; Helen Hu, Westminster College, UT; Aman Yadav, Michigan State University, MI