Implementing the process oriented guided-inquiry learning (POGIL) pedagogy of group scenario exercises in fundamentals and Medical Surgical II nursing courses 

Susan Zori, Maureen Carroll Roller, Erik Lyons 

Research with Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL), an interactive learning pedagogy, has shown improvement in grades and student satisfaction in science and nursing courses. POGIL is an active teaching strategy which utilizes small groups of students to analyze case studies. The student teams participate in groups of four to problem solve topics based on the material taught. POGIL can be additional to lecture and didactic teaching methods to help with the synthesis and analysis of content taught. The object of this study was to compare final course and national standardized exam grades between POGIL and comparison groups in both Fundamentals and Medical-Surgical II nursing courses. In classes that used POGIL, there were higher scores on a standardized national exam scores but not final course grades for students in the Fundamentals course. Using POGIL in Medical Surgical Nursing II courses revealed no difference in final course grades or on national standardized exam scores. The use of POGIL for beginning nursing students may be more helpful as these students are in the process of determining which learning strategies are most helpful as they progress through the nursing curriculum. 

Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, I8(12).1-8.

DOI: 10.5430/jnep.v8n12p1