Process Skills Videos

The videos below were created by the Workshop Videos working group (2019-2022). They serve as instructional tools to help educators and students identify and improve the seven process skills. The skill level of students in the clips varies, and thus provides a starting point for class discussion. The activity used by the students in the video is indicated in parentheses in each video description.


Video C1Classification of Matter (positive example)

Video C2Analyzing Data (positive example)

Video C3Analyzing Data (positive example)

Video C4Analyzing Data (positive example)

Video C5Analyzing Data (positive example)

Video C6Alpha Helix (negative example)

Critical Thinking

Video CT1Alpha Helix (positive example)

Video CT2Area & Perimeter (positive example)

Video CT3Analyzing Data (positive example)

Video CT4Alpha Helix (positive example)

Information Processing

Video IP1Alpha Helix (positive example)

Video IP2Analyzing Data (positive example)

Video IP3Classification of Matter (positive example)

Video IP4 Classification of Matter (positive example)


Video T1Classification of Matter (positive example)

Video T2Area & Perimeter (negative example)

Problem Solving

Video PS1Analyzing Data (positive example)


Video A1Alpha Helix (positive example)


Video M1Alpha Helix (positive example)

Video M2Alpha Helix (positive example)

Video M3 Classification of Matter (negative example)