Since 2011, the community of CS instructors using POGIL has grown dramatically thanks to grants from the United States National Science Foundation (NSF) (, the Education and University Relations Fund of TIDES Foundation through theGoogle CS4HS program (, and the American Association of Colleges & Universities (AAC&U) TIDES program ( Many CS instructors report that POGIL helps students to focus on concepts rather than just syntax.

We estimate that roughly 200 activities have been written for CS, including roughly 30 activities for AP CS Principles and 30 activities for CS 1. The CS-POGIL website ( lists many of these activities, sorted by author, course, etc. Note that only a few of these activities have been formally reviewed by The POGIL Project.

The IntroCS-POGIL Project ( provides stipends and travel funding for United States college instructors interested in adopting POGIL activities in CS 1.

If you’d like to learn more about POGIL in CS or join our Google Group to discuss and share resources, please contact:

Clif Kussmaul, Green Mango Associates, LLC, PA ( Hu, Westminster College, UT ( Pirmann, Drexel University, PA ( Mayfield, James Madison University, VA (