Trout, L. ed. Batavia, IL: Flinn Scientific, 2012.
ISBN 978-1-933709-35-2
254 pages Cost: $65.00
The POGIL Project is excited to join with Flinn Scientific to
publish this series of student-centered learning activities for high school biology. Create an interactive learning environment with 32 specially designed guided-inquiry learning activities in 7 major topic areas.
Nature of Science
Cells and Cellular Processes
Body Systems
Includes complete learning activities, answers to all questions and teacher resource pages with learning objectives, knowledge prerequisites, assessment questions and teaching tips.
Contact Flinn for a special free license agreement to obtain permission to post the student activities on a password-protected school website.
Sample student activity is available above. The teacher’s version of this sample activity, which includes answers and teacher tips, is also available by calling or emailing Flinn Scientific.
After purchase, you will receive a welcome email with instructions for activating your license. Please contact customer care if you have not received your welcome email or need assistance activating your license. 800-452-1261 [email protected]