Anatomy and Physiology: A Guided Inquiry

Brown, Patrick J. P.  Lancaster, PA: The POGIL Project; Dubuque IA: Kendall Hunt, 2022

Print ISBN: 978-1-7924-9076-7    
EBook ISBN: 9798765739587
279 pages   Print  $35  EBook $28
POGIL is an acronym for Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning. Because POGIL is a student-centered instructional approach, in a typical POGIL classroom or laboratory, students work in small teams with the instructor acting as a facilitator. The student teams use specially designed activities that generally follow a learning cycle paradigm. These activities are designed to have three key characteristics:
  • They are designed for use with self-managed teams that employ the instructor as a facilitator of learning rather than a source of information.
  • They guide students through an exploration to construct understanding.
  • They use discipline content to facilitate the development of important process skills, including higher-level thinking and the ability to learn and to apply knowledge in new contexts.
Students learn when they are actively engaged and thinking in class. The activities in this book are the primary classroom materials for teaching Anatomy and Physiology, using the POGIL method. The result is an "I can do this" attitude, increased retention, and a feeling of ownership over the material.
We highly recommend that high school instructors purchase the PRINT copy of this book.


About the Author
Dr. Patrick Brown teaches undergraduate Health Sciences at East Tennessee State University, primarily introductory anatomy and physiology. Additionally, he teaches a writing-intensive clinical parasitology course and co-teaches a graduate course for faculty entitled “Teaching for Learning in Higher Education”.
Patrick received his B.S. degree from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga in Biological Science and his Ph.D. from the University of Georgia in Cellular Biology. Patrick was introduced to POGIL by his wife, Dr. Stacy Brown, and after attending a three-day workshop in 2008 immediately began writing activities for introductory anatomy and physiology. Since then he has gone on to not only author this collection of activities, but has become a workshop facilitator and served as the Southeastern Regional Coordinator for the POGIL project. He has led seminars and workshops in active learning throughout the United States.