The POGIL Project 

PNM 2025 Strategic Teams

As part of the application to attend the 2024 POGIL National Meeting, applicants are asked to indicate their choice of strategic teams to work with during the meeting. These teams will be configured before the PNM and may start meeting in the months leading up to our time at Washington Univeristy. Below is a list of the teams.

  • Advanced Practitioner Experience 

This team’s charge is twofold: 1) the creation of new opportunities for advanced practitioners to enhance their facilitation skills and 2) the development of a leadership workshop for education and/or administrative audiences. The long-term outcomes are to have these experiences available as part of the regular offerings of The POGIL Project by the summer of 2029. By the end of 2024 PNM, there should be a plan for how to accomplish the short-term outcomes as articulated in the action plan.  SP3: Goal 2A

  • Improving Accessibility

This team's charge is to increase the accessibility of POGIL activities for an expanding range of learners and learning environments. The long-term outcomes are to create prioritized ranking of currently available collections for revision; create a rubric to evaluate current activities and apply it to the review of 2-3 activities in the top prioritized list, and to review work with an expert. Additionally, based on feedback, a 90-minute workshop session will be presented at the 2028 PNM as a workshop rollout. This session will then be available as an option for 3-day, private, and customized large-class workshops, as well as the Activity Writing workshop, Facilitation workshop, and Writers' Retreat. This UD facilitation strategy session will be offered at least twice annually in public workshops and/or eSeries beginning in the 2028-29 academic year. SP3: Goal 1C

  • Instructional Approaches (formerly Classroom Resources)

This team’s charge is to establish an online resource (or resources) that provides a wide range of approaches and strategies (with examples) for evaluation (grading) and classroom facilitation in POGIL/student-centered classrooms (secondary and post-secondary) that includes evidence or theory for how the strategy supports success for all students. The long-term outcome is to establish processes for the continuous development of these resources by summer of 2028. By the end of 2024 PNM, this team will have determined an initial structure for the resource(s) and a plan for how to accomplish the short-term outcomes as articulated in the action plan.  SP3: Goal 1E

  • Large Enrollment Adoptions and Implementation  

This team’s charge is to create and execute a plan for generating materials to support adoption and implementation in large enrollment classes, specifically focusing on Gen Chem I and II. The long-term outcome is to have at least 10 ongoing adoptions in large classes by the summer of 2029. By the end of 2024 PNM, this team will have created a plan and timeline for developing appropriate materials, informed by the customer discovery information that they are provided. SP3: Goals 1A and 2E

  • Supporting Inclusivity: Removing Barriers to Professional Development

This team’s charge is to create lower-cost, shorter professional development opportunities that encourage new practitioners to deepen their practice. The long-term outcome is to create a menu of PD options (virtual and in-person) that can be marketed as low-cost alternatives to The Project’s traditional 1-day workshops and to create virtual options for these sessions. By the end of 2024 PNM, this team will have identified at least two of The Project’s existing sessions (one from writing and one from classroom facilitation) for adaptation into short free-standing virtual and/or in-person experiences to pair with a mini-POGIL experience and created a plan for modifying/creating these sessions by the summer of 2025.  SP3: Goal 2B

  • Supporting Inclusivity: POGIL Learning Community to Support Historically Marginalized Groups (HMG)

This team’s charge is to establish and support one or more POGIL learning communities that support current POGIL practitioners drawn from historically marginalized groups or who serve HMG learners. The long-term outcome is to expand these communities to serve at least 50 additional members by the summer of 2029, with plans for ongoing sustainability. By the end of 2024 PNM, this team will have developed a plan for initiating this process, building on the insights gained from our previous Learning Communities effort.  SP3: Goal 2C

  • Supporting Inclusivity: Developing Learning Ecosystems for HMG in Key Areas 

This team’s charge is to create a proposal for two locations in which The Project should focus ecosystem-building efforts. The proposal should explain why each location is a good choice, including (but not limited to) what human resources we currently have in the area (possible facilitators, mentors), examples of private or public foundations that are potential supporters, and what mechanisms are available to communicate and market to the secondary and postsecondary communities. By the end of 2024 PNM, this team will have the two sites identified (or a list of possible places) with a plan for how the proposal will be done by Aug 15, 2024. SP3: Goal 2C

  • Evaluating the Impact of POGIL Professional Development  

The team’s charge is twofold: 1) to define and implement an analysis that uses current workshop data (such as attendance) and determines rates of additional attendance at POGIL sessions and/or adoptions and 2) to identify impacts the workshops have beyond adoption and implementation, including the design of a data collection strategy to count and/or quantify these impacts. The long-term outcomes for both charges is an established process for the collection and review of data about the impact of The Project’s professional development events.  By the end of 2024 PNM, there should be a plan for how to accomplish the short-term outcomes as articulated in the action plan.  SP3: Goal 2D

  • Large Classroom Videos 

This team’s charge is to produce videos of POGIL being facilitated in a large classroom that can be uploaded to the POGIL website as well as to Kendall Hunt’s POGIL product pages. Short-term outcomes include using existing video, adding dubbed narrative to create video content, and determining if additional footage is needed. SP3: Goal 2E

  • Supporting Inclusivity: DEIB Principles

This team’s charge is to propose changes to existing POGIL workshop sessions to better incorporate DEIB principles. The long-term outcome is to create a process for integrating DEIB principles into sessions as they are being developed. By the end of 2024 PNM, there should be a plan for how to accomplish the short-term outcomes as articulated in the action plan. SP3: Goal 3A

Other Committees Meeting at PNM

These established teams will also be meeting at The POGIL National Meeting. If you would like to learn more about their activities or get involved, please contact the task force chairs listed below.

  • Large Classroom Videos - Rodney Austin, Courtney Macdonald, Laura Trout
  • NCAPP Planning Committee - Kristi Deaver and Wayne Pearson
  • Networks - Jennifer Larson and Kimberly Stieglitz
  • POGIL Activity  Clearinghouse - Caryl Fish and Sean Garrett-Roe 

If you would like to see our recent Town Hall Video introducing viewers to the strategic team work was to take place at the 2024 PNM, please visit  this LINK.

If you would like a guide for how SP2 working groups map to the new strategic teams, here is an image of how we anticipate current work translating to SP3 work.  

If you have any questions about strategic teams or our new plan, please contact Marcy Dubroff at 717.358.3837 or